Ryan Bradley

Ryan Bradley is an Anglican pastor serving the community of Merced in Central California. Currently, he serves as co-founder and co-pastor of The Micah Project Merced: “Walking with God together; with justice, kindness, and humility.” He is seeking to serve those who are being missed by churches in the area, including the University of California Merced community. He joined Intervarsity’s Graduate and Faculty Ministry as a Staff Associate to better serve faculty, staff, graduate students, and their families. Other emphases of The Micah Project include spiritual formation ministries, adoption & foster support, and creating community. They are also working long-term to start an intentionally multi-ethnic church in Merced. Prior to serving in full-time church ministry, Ryan was an Associate Professor at Biola University in the Torrey Honors College (Great Books program). His academic work has been in the history and theology of Christian spirituality. He has also served as a spiritual director since 2003. Ryan is married to Juliet, who is a full-time speech and language pathologist, a professional fine art photographer, and a pastor preparing for ordination as she co-leads The Micah Project. They have two children that they are in the process of adopting and a goldendoodle who is still training her humans. Ryan and his family are especially passionate about books and reading.